Show (=yes) or hide (=no) the item. Instead of deleting an item all together you can choose to temporarily hide it with this option.
Enter a name for the item (e.g. Starbucks). This input is mandatory.
Enter a description for the item (e.g. opening hours).
Select the categories under which you wish this item to appear in the menu.
Besides the name, keywords can be used to find items via text search. Separate each keyword with a comma sign e.g. coffee,espresso,cappuccino,macchiato
Choose an image file in PNG-format and a fixed resolution of 512 x 512 pixel.
Define the item as default item. In case of a reverse search (i.e. what items can be found at this depature/destination point) the default item is listed first.
Enter any URL (e.g. a link to a website with further information) you wish to associate with the current item.
Enter alternative points for the same location (e.g. a room with more than one entrance). Separate each point by comma, e.g. L01P0001,L01P0002,L01P0003 Each point must match the regular expression ^L[0-9]{2}P[0-9]{4}$.
Enter the same group-tag for different items at different locations that fullfill the same purpose (e.g. "atm" for ATM machines at different spots within a shopping mall). When the user is looking for that purpose the appropriate action, defined by the group-action, is taken.
Select the action to be taken for the given group-tag. Has no effect if no group-tag is defined. Hover with your mouse over the options in the drop-down box to learn more about the different actions.
Enter an optional start time. The item will only be visible after that time during the day. The format must be HH:II:SS.
Enter an optional end time. The item will only be visible before that time during the day. The format must be HH:II:SS.
Enter optional additional data. This data will not be used in any way unless the application was prepared for it.
Are you sure you want to delete this item?